Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The OJR Temporary Pool is officially Dead in the Water

Many many thanks to the many dedicated OJR Pool Advocates and OJR Pool Committee for all their efforts to get OJR to go from good to GREAT! Unfortunately, it seems the obstacles that the OJR SB and Administration threw at the Pool Committee proved to be too much. Hopefully all of OJR can come together in a Positive Proactive way, and work towards making sure

1) The Pool Opens in September of 2009
2) An Aquatics Director is hired by January 2010
3) Fundraising is allowed to begin for a Deep Well, so that the existing pool can be used even more, for the benefit of the entire community

Let's all work together to take OJR from good to GREAT!

For more information on what happened to the OJR Pool click here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Does the OJR SB have the Political Courage of the SB of 1967 to do the Right Thing?

A long time ago, back in the 1960's and finally in 1967, the Courageous Elected Leaders of the Owen J. Roberts School Board had the Political Courage to Build a Pool at the new Middle School because they understood the Value of....

"One Child Learning to Swim"

The community of Northern Chester County today, is far different from that of 40 years ago, however, the current School Board does not seem to appreciate the value of the only Pool in Northern Chester County, that has not only taught children to swim, but also provided an opportunity for Seniors, Special Ed Kids, and Special Olympics a place to swim, as well as a PAC 10 Championship Swim Team. Does the Community of OJR realize that Patrick Shirk of OJR may be going to the Olympics in China?

The question for the community, and for the OJR SB to consider on Monday, March 17, 2008, is, is it OK,,,to let the Community and OJR Swim Program fade away for 2 years,,,or to learn from the example of the Upper Dublin School District, (where Property Values are going UP), and help OJR go from good to GREAT.

Also, how is it possible for a PAC 10 Championship Swim Team of 50 Swimmers to practice and swim in 3 lanes. Has anyone seen 50 swimmers swim in 3 lanes? Is it possible?

Please be sure to attend the OJR SB meeting on Monday, March 17th ( St Patricks Day), and see first hand, what vision the current OJR School Board has.

Best of ALL, unlike historically what has been done at OJR, there is now a group that has Pledged to raise all the money to pay for a Temporary Pool, etc. unlike the many other things the OJR SB has spent money on in the past.

What a wonderful opportunity for OJR to involve the community in the Public Aspect of Public Education. Just think about the Good Will that will take place, with the raising of funds, which will take OJR from good to GREAT!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

OJR SB B and G Committee considers Temporary Pool

On Monday, March 3, 2008 the OJR Pool Committee (with 8 of 9 School Board Members attending) presented the concept of a Temporary Pool(to a standing room only audience) at OJR to the OJR SB B and G Committee. The presentation was made by the Chairman of the OJR Pool Committee, Dr. Frank Scalise, as well as Mark Zeleznick, Dannelle Gearhart, Mary Hopkinson Wood and Dr. Richard Marchini and Dr. Robert Salladino.

The OJR Pool Committee asked permission from the Board to go and raise up to 250,000 privately, for the cost of the Temporary pool.

At the suggestion of Deb Bissland, and seconded by John Dutton, it was decided to defer the decision, as to what to do, to the entire OJR School Board at their meeting on March 17, 2008.

Please attend the meeting on March 17, 2008, and see how OJR can go from good to GREAT, and the entire community can come together.

To listen to the presentation click here

Monday, March 3, 2008

Tonight is OJR 's Opportunity to go from Good to GREAT!

Tonight at 7 PM, at the OJR SB Building and Grounds Meeting the OJR SB will hear the final presentation from the OJR Pool Committee about how to keep the OJR Aquatics Program alive and well for the next two years.

Over the weekend, many OJR Pool Advocates shared the concept of a Temporary Pool with the OJR Community at the OJR Craft Fair. What a wonderful opportunity for the OJR Community to come together. For more information on how you can help go to www.ojrpool.com and download information on how to Help Build the Pool.

Tonights meeting will be at 7 PM at the OJR Administration Building Board Room. Please be sure to attend.