The OJR SB spends over 80 Million Dollars a year of YOUR Tax Money. What is important to the OJR Community?
Below is a wonderful symbol of what the Ideals of Public Education should be.
The Star Spangled Banner was sung at the last OJR Age Group Diving Meet ( something that is not officially sanctioned by the OJR School District as part of the Curriculum) by Morgan MacConnell, who is not even a student at OJR, but whose Parents are Taxpayer of the OJR School District.
What Obligation does the OJR School Board have for those that pay Taxes, but do not get the benefit of the OJR Facilities, etc.? Please let us know.
Most importantly take a look at Morgan's singing of the Star Spangled Banner.
BRAVO and thanks to Morgan for sharing this with us.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
What is important to the OJR SB? Does anyone know? Please let us know
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
OJR Pool Committee Presentation to OJR School Board
For those of you that missed Mark Zeleznick's Pool Bubble Presentation to the OJR School Board, Building and Grounds Committee you can listen to it here, (click here)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
OJR Pool Proposal Can OJR go from Good to Great?
OJR parents propose portable pool
By Laura Catalano, Special to The Mercury
SOUTH COVENTRY — A temporary, inflatable pool with a heated, covered dome could provide the Owen J. Roberts School District with a swim program while the middle school is being renovated.
At least, that was the proposal set forth by the district’s pool committee at a school board buildings and grounds committee meeting Monday night.
The pool committee, composed primarily of swim coaches and parents of swimmers, said a temporary pool would not only be feasible, but also affordable. They estimated the cost at around $100,000 to $150,000, and claimed the expense could be offset by summer swim programs that could yield as much as $40,000 each summer........
..........Zeleznick closed his presentation with a reference to Superintendent Myra Forrest’s emphasis on taking the district “from good to great.”
“Only one thing stands in the way of going from good to great, and that’s one word: impossible. We have an amazing thing in front of us. I challenge the school board to take that word away.”
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
What is OJR's Plan for PE for the MS and HS?
As of Monday's Owen J. Roberts School Board Building and Grounds Meeting, it became official that OJR would not phase the Middle School Renovation Project, and will be losing access to the Pool and the Gymnasium for Physical Education.
An OJR High School Teacher spoke at the meeting about the difficulties this will cause.
Our question for the Community of OJR is what is the Plan for next year? Is Physical Education in Hallways really what "Good to Great" is all about? See below clip to see for yourself..
Monday, February 4, 2008
The OJR Pool Committee after many month's of meetings and work has come up with a WIN WIN WIN Solution for the OJR Pool.
Please come out to tonights OJR SB Building and Grounds Committee meeting and voice your support.
Take a look at the last OJR Age Group Swim Meet that occured this weekend and was featured on Channel 6 Action News
Friday, February 1, 2008
Congratulations to the OJR Swim Team!
Take a look at the excitement of the OJR Swim Meet against Boyertown
Let's hope the OJR School Board comes to watch the last OJR Age Group Swim Meet this Saturday at 11 AM at the OJR MS Pool.